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Preview View

Preview View
Enable Preview View Specifies the availability of the Preview View.

Expand Info Panel initially

Enable to expand the Info Panel in the Preview View initially.

Use PDF Renderer of web-browser

While AWP can generate a preview for each page of a PDF file one might want to use the embedded PDF renderer of the web-browser. Checking this box will enable support for the embedded renderer. The user must have the Show Original permission to be able to use this feature as this requires the original asset being transferred to the web-browser.

Use Preview Rendition

Configure the rendition to use instead of the preview image generated by AWP.
This can be used to share pre-generated previews between multiple instances of AWP or when running a Tomcat cluster behind a load-balancer.
The default preview generation is still used in case that rendition is not available for a record or some error occurs when accessing the rendition asset.

Alternate Preview URL Field

Configures the field which can contain a URL that renders a preview of that record replacing the built-in preview functionality.

IIIF Preview URL Field

Configures the field which can contain a URL that points to an IIIF server which AWP will use to provide a high-resolution deep-zooming preview.

Enable Panorama Viewer

Records matching the given query will use the panorama viewer instead of the default preview. AWP supports panorama images and videos. The user must have Show Original permission to be able to use this feature as this requires the original asset being transferred to the web-browser.
Headline FieldIn the preview view AWP displays an identifier for the current record in the header bar. By default this is using the Record Name field but can be configured to any field of type String. If the configured field has no value for the current record the Record Name field is used to provide a fallback value.
Initially collapsed separators Add separators which should initially be collapsed.
Preview Cache
Use Preview CacheGenerating a record preview can take some time depending on the assets file format. AWP can cache the generated preview for faster access when accessing the same preview again. This option is enabled by default.
Limit items in cache toConfigures the size of the cache by specifying the number of previews being kept in the cache. By default the value is 1000 items.
Limit cache to x MBThis cache limit specifies the maximum amount of disk space the cache is allowed to occupy. By default the value is 500 MB.
Prerendered Previews QueryWhen configured, the previews for the records found by this query are pre-cached. Make sure that the search result fits the configured cache settings.
previewview.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:00 (external edit)