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Download the Windows or Mac Installer.
Run the installer and select the components you want to install.

  • Cumulus Client Plugins installs an additional module for the native Server Console. It is needed for configuring AWP and can be installed on multiple machines.
  • The Cumulus Server Plugin is installed on the actual Cumulus Server.
  • Attention Web Platform is the web application itself, that must be installed in your Tomcat.

Please follow the instructions in the installer!

NB! When installing the client plugin, please check that the selected path points to the Cumulus Client. Remember to restart the Cumulus Client after the installation.

NB! When installing the server plugin, please check whether your server path is Cumulus Enterprise Server or Cumulus Workgroup Server. Remember to restart the Cumulus Server after this installation.

NB! The installer will create a folder in your Tomcat Webapps directory called awp. If you already have a webapp folder called awp, you must rename or move that out of your Tomcat Webapps directory.

Configure AWP user. We advice you to create a new user with restricted access to run AWP. If you want to use guest access on your site, the AWP user must have “run as” permissions for the configured guest user. If you work with collections, the user must also be able to access these collections and the contained catalogs, and the configured view sets and asset actions. The user must also be able to modify collections if tracked collections are employed. NOTE: do no use the super admin account here as this will lead to different problems when employing the write back module.

Review and complete the installation.

installing_awp.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/13 10:23 by attention