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Add Records to Collection

When clicking one of the buttons to add a record or the collection basket to a collection opens this dialog:

The user can now select to add the records to an existing collection.

Selecting the collection to add the records to and clicking the Add button will close the dialog. Additionally the user can choose to create a new collection:

A new collection needs a name and can be private (only visible for the current user) or shared with others.

Shared collections can be visible to all users, but also be restricted to a list of users or roles. When sharing a collection with a role, all users that are a member of that role can view this collection.

To add a new user or role to the restriction list click the Search users element and start typing. Giving the user has the according permissions, AWP will also show a type-ahead suggestion list for matching users and roles. Pressing enter will then add the selected entry to the list.

To remove an entry from the list, click the Delete icon behind the name.

collection_add_or_create.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:00 (external edit)