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Add Assets

AWP allows users with the Create Item and Transfer Asset permission to upload and catalog assets.

Clicking the Upload Assets menu item or dragging files into the browser window opens the dialog to upload new assets:

The user can now drag files or folders to the big drop zone or click the button to choose files for upload. The files are immediately uploaded to the server but not yet cataloged. Each uploaded file is analyzed for duplicates and the result displayed to the user

The asset could be identical to an existing asset already cataloged. The administrator can configure whether the user is allowed to catalog this asset again which would result in two records for identical assets.
The asset could also match an existing record having the same asset name in the according field value. In this case the administrator can configure whether the user should be allowed to check-in the uploaded asset as a new version for the found record's asset or overwrite the record's asset if it's not versioned.

All of these cases must be resolved by the user before the cataloging can be started.

If there is only one catalog and Asset Handling Set available (or configured for upload) the Start button becomes enabled after selecting at least one file.

Clicking the button initiates the cataloging and updates the collection for the new records created.
Note: New records might not be visible immediately if the current collection has some filters applied which removes them.

If more than one catalog or Asset Handling Set is available the user has to choose which one to use before the cataloging can be started.

In case the Asset Handling Set is configured to show a Metadata Editor for new records the linked Record View Set's information view is displayed to allow the user to enter metadata for all records to be created:

The shown editor behaves similar to the bulk edit view.

In addition clicking the little menu icon offers some Metadata Templates which can be used to pre-fill the visible fields of the editor.

addassets.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:00 (external edit)