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Metadata Editor


AWP offers an editor for record and category metadata for users with the Modify Item permission and also supports uploading and cataloging new assets.


General Settings
Enable Metadata EditorGlobally enables the feature. Useful for read-only instances where the administrator wants to be sure that all write operations are disabled, except support for Upload Collections.
Restrict to records matchingOptional query which enables the Metadata editor only for records matching the configured query. With no query configured all records can be edited, assuming the logged-in user has the Modify Item permission.
Restrict to categories matchingOptional query which enables the Metadata editor only for categories matching the configured query. This includes creating new sub-categories and modifying or deleting an existing category.
Metadata Template for new categoriesSelect a Metadata Template which is applied on all categories created in AWP.
Individual Permissions
Enable support for individual permissionsEnable this option to support record- and category-based permissions in addition to role-based permissions in AWP. Depending on the installation this might come with a small performance penalty.
Restrict to the following users and rolesAllows limiting the use of record- and category-based permissions to the listed users and roles to use the feature only where necessary.
editor.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:50 by attention