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Create Download Collection


Creating a Download Collection shares records with non-Cumulus users via a download link. Such collections can have an embargo date and an expiration date and can be limited in the number of features available to the recipients.

NameEnter the required name for the collection which is used when browsing the personal list of collections. It's not visible to recipients.
Web address for accessOptional configuration element to select the base url for the link sent to the listed recipients. Must be enabled in the share options.
Send toEnter either the email address for non-Cumulus users or the user name of an existing Cumulus user. If the current user has enough permissions the editor will show a list of matching users for the currently entered part of a name. To remove an added user click the little Remove icon behind the user name.
Track UsageCheck this box if you want to be able to see which recipient has opened the collection.
The collections information dialog then shows the last time each recipient has opened the collection.
Embargo DateThe collection will not be available before this date. Users clicking the received link will get an according note.
Expiration DateThe collection will be automatically deleted after this date.
SubjectEnter the required subject for the email to be sent.
TextThe content of this field is sent as additional email body text. The entered text is suffixed by a short information about the embargo and expiration date so that the recipient knows when the link will be valid.
Password protectedCheck this box if recipients should be required to enter a password before seeing the content. This will show an additional input where the password is specified.
PasswordSpecifies the required password to use when protecting the collection with a password.
Enabled ViewsCheck the views that should be available to users opening the collection.
Actions for DownloadCheck the asset actions that should be available to users when downloading assets.

Clicking the Send button closes the dialog, creates the collection and sends the emails to the given recipients. If records should now be added or removed from or to the collection see the normal collection management options.

Create Collection without sending Email

Clicking the Copy Link button creates the collection without sending emails and displays the collection link. The user can then copy the link to the clipboard. This only works for collections without tracking. The standard collection settings (ie. the expiration date, the password protection, the enabled views) are saved with the created collection.

collections_download_create.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:00 (external edit)