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Bulk Edit


Multiple records can be changed with the Bulk Edit feature. All records to be edited have to be collected in the Collection Basket which then offers a Bulk Edit button in case the current user has the Modify Item permission for all records.


The Bulk Edit window looks similar to the single-record editor window.

It has an additional checkbox in front of each field value input element which must be selected to have the new value applied on the records of the Collection Basket. When starting to type in the field value input the checkbox is selected automatically.

The input element either displays the identical value for all records or some text to indicate that the values differ for the records.

Behind the input element appears the combination widget where the combination of the existing values with the entered values has to be configured. The available combinations depend on the field type, for example Append is only available for String fields.

Clicking Save applies the entered changes on all records and closes the dialog.

Metadata Templates

The Bulk Edit dialog also offers the Metadata Templates available for the current user which employs the user to prefill the dialog according to the settings stored in the Metadata Template.

Copy Record Metadata

The Bulk Edit dialog can also be prefilled with metadata of other records. First the user has to open the menu for a source record and select the menu item Copy Metadata.

The copied record is then also offered in the Bulk Edit and can be selected by the user to prefill the available fields.

bulkedit.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/09 09:00 (external edit)